If you love making festival videos – bring your camera but be prepared for it to take some hits when you are dancing!.

Cereal, bread and juice for morning breakfast. Order online or call us toll free at 1-86 to speak with an experienced event specialist who will be glad to assist you with the seat selection process.Protein bars, fresh fruit & nuts are fantastic for warding off your cravings during the day. Bring snacks that you can have on the go.Use the supermarkets as a top-up when you need extra food. You don’t want to have to buy all your food at the supermarkets inside the festival. Definitely shop for groceries beforehand if you are staying at the Defqon.1 campsite.Rave to the grave merchandise to look the best!.Comfortable shoes that are supportive.Lots of underwear and socks since you could get sweaty or wet during the day.It gets cold and you will need tracksuits and jumpers/jackets Light clothing to be comfortable during the day (think t-shirts, shorts, etc).Padlock or combination lock for your tent.Possibly a backup card in case you lose your primary card.Shuttle bus / train tickets (if you’re travelling via public transport).Hitting up Defqon.1 but unsure what to bring to the campsite? Don’t worry – this list has you covered!